Peer-reviewed journal articles
Luke McDonagh, 'Exploring “ownership” of Irish traditional dance music - heritage or property?' International Journal of Cultural Property 29 (2022) 183-200 (Winner of the 2023 Lalive and Merryman Fellowship for best IJCP Article in 2022-23)
Siva Thambisetty, Aisling McMahon, Luke McDonagh, Hyo Yoon Kang and Graham Dutfield, ‘Addressing vaccine inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic: the TRIPS intellectual property waiver proposal and beyond’ Cambridge Law Journal 81 (2022) 384-416.
Christian Helmers, Yassine Lefouili, Brian Love and Luke McDonagh, ‘The Effect of Fee Shifting on Litigation: Evidence from a Policy Innovation in Intermediate Cost Shifting’ American Law and Economics Review 23 (2021) 1-44.
Enrico Bonadio & Luke McDonagh, ‘Artificial Intelligence as Producer and Consumer of Copyright Works: Evaluating the Consequences of Algorithmic Creativity’ Intellectual Property Quarterly 2 (2020), 112-137.
Ana Alba Betancourt, Enrico Bonadio & Luke McDonagh, ‘Social Innovation and University Intellectual Property: Insights from the UK and Mexico’ European Intellectual Property Review 42(5) (2020), 293-304.
Enrico Bonadio, Tiffany Sillanpää & Luke McDonagh, ‘Intellectual Property Aspects of the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement’ International Trade Law and Regulation 2 (2020), 87–98.
Luke McDonagh, ‘Losing Ireland, Losing the Empire: Dominion Status and the Irish Constitutions of 1922 and 1937’ International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-CON) 17(4) (2019), 1192–1212.
Mara Malagodi, Luke McDonagh & Thomas Poole, ‘New Dominion constitutionalism at the twilight of the British Empire: An introduction’ International Journal of Constitutional Law 17(4) (2019), 1166–1172.
Mara Malagodi, Luke McDonagh & Thomas Poole, ‘The Dominion model of transitional constitutionalism’ International Journal of Constitutional Law 17(4) (2019), 1283–1300.
Enrico Bonadio, Luke McDonagh & Christopher Arvidsson, ‘Intellectual property aspects of robotics’ European Journal of Risk Regulation 9(4) (2018), 655–676.
Christian Helmers, Yassine Lefouili, Brian Love & Luke McDonagh, ‘Who Needs a Copyright Small Claims Court? Evidence from the U.K.'s IP Enterprise Court’ Berkeley Technology Law Journal Commentaries (2018).
Katrin Cremers, Max Ernicke, Fabian Gaessler, Dietmar Harhoff, Christian Helmers, Luke McDonagh, Paula Schliessler & Nicolas van Zeebroeck, ‘Patent Litigation in Europe’ European Journal of Law and Economics 44(1) (2017), 1-44.
Luke McDonagh, 'Two Questions for Professor Drassinower,' Intellectual Property Journal 29(1) (2016), 71-76.
Luke McDonagh, 'From Brand Performance to Consumer Performativity -Assessing European Trade Mark Law After the Rise of Anthropological Marketing' Journal of Law & Society 42(4) (2015), 611-636.
Luke McDonagh, 'Plays, Performances and Power Struggles - Examining Copyright's "Integrity" in the Field of Theatre' The Modern Law Review 77(4) (2014), 533-562.
Christian Helmers, Brian Love & Luke McDonagh, 'Is there a Patent Troll Problem in the UK?,' Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal 24 (2014), 509-553.
Christian Helmers & Luke McDonagh, 'Patent litigation in England and Wales and the issue-based approach to costs' Civil Justice Quarterly 32(3) (2013), 369-384.
Luke McDonagh, 'Is Creative use of Musical Works without a licence acceptable under Copyright?' International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC) 4 (2012), 401-426.
Luke McDonagh, 'Rearranging the Roles of the Performer and the Composer in the Music Industry – the Potential Significance of Fisher v Brooker' Intellectual Property Quarterly 1 (2012), 64-76.
Luke McDonagh, ‘Headlines and hyperlinks: UK copyright law post-Infopaq’ Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 1 (2) (2011), 184–187.